

Eric E. - My STEM Experience at the USNA

Thank you for providing me with the opportunity of attending the STEM program at your facility.  I enjoyed my stay there; it was an unforgettable and educational experience.  Thank you for letting us take a cruise on the YP boat; it was a thrilling and rare opportunity.  I won’t ever forget that experience; the memory of my stay at the Academy will remain in my thoughts forever.

The classes were phenomenal.  I won’t ever forget anything I learned in those two days.  The knowledge I obtained in those two days will surely prove beneficial to me in the future.  I thank you for giving my education a boost, and helping me have a better understanding of what it truly means to be an engineer.  After that experience, my interest in engineering had flourished.  Before, I thought engineering was just a boring profession that required you to sit in a desk all day, but now I possess a clearer understanding of engineering.  The hands-on experiences along with the world-class labs made learning much more interesting.

Not many students get to experience what I experienced that weekend.  This bond that my school shares with the Naval Academy has truly been a blessing.  I’m now considering to attend the Naval Academy; my experience there has vastly improved my interest.  I hope that bond continues for years to come and that other students get to experience what I saw at the Academy.  Thank you for providing me with such a unique experience.

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