SBP Students @ US Naval Academy STEM Program
Reflections and expressions of gratitude from the 18 students from St. Benedict's Prep who attended the STEM Program at the US Naval Academy, Nov. 5-6, 2010.
Jared B. - Thanks for a great experience
When I first walked off the bus onto the Naval Academy Campus I was amazed at the artistry and the history behind the construction of the campus. The Chapel Dome was the first building we walked into and I was in awe. The organs and the pews of the church were beautiful. It was definitely a special place of worship; I saw signs for protestant services and even Muslim services. I found it amazing that they could use a place for so many denominations of Religion.
The second building that we saw was the dining hall, filled with all of the 50 state flags. The history of the building was unique; we learned that it used to be an ice hockey rink. Later on in our trip we toured the top of the building, seeing a special area that was created especially for midshipmen only.
After we ate, we went straight to Rickover Hall to begin our classes. My first class was Computer programming. I was interested in how we could make an animated video using this one program named “Alice ”. Then from there my second class taught us about buoyancy and how the midshipmen create new designs for ships and test them out. The tank they used was huge. The types of facilities they have to use are astonishing. Then from there I went to my biometrics class. That was special for me because I found out that biometrics is exactly what I want my career to be involved with. Lastly, my final class was the physics of light. That class was probably the most interesting of the day.

Meloneme O. - My Naval Academy Trip
My time at the US Naval Academy was great, both for learning and for fun. I learned a lot of new things and did a few new things.
The demonstration that most struck my eyes was the biometrics, with fingerprinting and iris recognition. The reason I was so impressed with the technology at the Naval Academy was that we were able to control a computer with our eyes, not even having to use a mouse. Something else that impressed me was the way that the computer was able to figure out if I was happy or not, even guessing my gender and even my age. For me, that was very interesting.
My experience on the YP boat was the best. The reason I enjoyed it so much was because I was able to see how the boat is used, and all the ways all the machines work in it. I was surprised about how many days it could stay out at sea, and that the crew would still be able to survive for a long amount of time. The experience is important at the Naval Academy because the Navy is built around the sea and they would have to be able to cope with being on a boat. The most fun I had was being able to steer the boat. The experience was really good and I will always remember it.
My time with my midshipman was a blast. He told me a lot about the Academy and I told him how his first year at the Naval Academy and my first year at St. Benedict’s were very alike. At my school, we also had to walk on the right side during the first year, but he told me that the first year students at the Academy have to hit corners at a ninety degree angle.
I would like to thank the Naval Academy deeply for this this trip. I gained a lot out of it. Now I am even thinking about attending the Naval Academy .
Antonio D. - Thanks for a memorable experience

The class demonstration that was most interesting to me was the biometrics demo. I was intrigued by the technology used, like facial recognition, finger printing, and voice recognition. This technology is used for our nation’s security, which I am generally interested in. I also enjoyed the naval architecture demonstration, where we attempted to make a boat out of aluminum foil to hold as many marbles as possible. My boat sustained pretty well, holding 180 marbles. The 3-D object programming demonstration was very fun, with the ability to make a 3-D movie and make the characters in our movies perform certain moves to tell a story. The diffraction of light demonstration was tough, in the sense that it was very groundbreaking, teaching us the different ways light rays traveled and broke up into different colors of the light spectrum with the glasses we got.
This weekend at STEM was one of my best experiences. Thank you for the opportunity to see the Academy.
Mwaniki M. - Thank you for the STEM Program
Being invited to the Naval Academy to learn in the mini-STEM Program was an honor that I will always be grateful for. I enjoyed being able to visit such a beautiful campus and being able to experience part of life at the Naval Academy. The demonstrations that I attended there were very engaging, which gave me more motivation to learn about.

I enjoyed being on the YP boat because I have always wondered what those types of boats were like. Not only did I get to take a tour of the boat, I got to drive it too. This was an exciting thing for me because it was the first time I ever drove a vehicle before and getting to drive the boat seems easier than driving a car. On the tour of the Naval Academy campus, I was amazed at the history of the academy and the historic reputation of it. Walking through the halls and listening to the stories truly proves that the Naval Academy has harbored some of America’s finest leaders and warriors.
On Friday night, I was given the privilege of going to a college football game. Unfortunately, I was separated from my midshipmen and did not know where he went. Luckily, I ran into a friend of mine, midshipmen Becca G. Becca came to St. Benedict’s earlier this year as a visitor, and she was a member of my current events class. That night at the game, Becca helped me find the school bus so I could get my stuff, and helped me find my room and host midshipmen. Had it not been for Becca I don’t know what would have happened that night. Not only has Becca helped me that night, but she has helped me and other students countless times at my school whenever we had to make presentations for current events class. I believe that Becca is a true model student for the Naval Academy, who has true love and honor for her country. She is a selfless and intelligent woman who is capable of doing great things in the future. I would be very pleased to see her come back to St. Benedict’s sometime this year, because I believe she can help inspire many other students and bring out the leadership abilities in them.
Overall, I am thankful to have been able to travel to the Naval Academy, even though it was only for a short time. I can say that I couldn’t have asked for a better experience at the Naval Academy. I enjoyed every moment of my visit and I could not have asked for a better experience. I can honestly say that the Naval Academy is a good life experience for many who go there and the students who graduate from there have a bright future ahead of them.
Deontrae M. - Thank you for the STEM Experience
Thank you for giving St. Benedict’s Prep students the opportunity to visit your prestigious institution through the STEM program. The experience was very rewarding. It brought a special feeling to me to experience the tradition of the Naval Academy .
This program gave us an opportunity to experience the process of engineering, architecture, programming, and mechanics. The history of the Naval Academy was impressive. I was surprised to learn that many of our current and past leaders had walked the halls of the Naval Academy and graduated from this prestigious institution. It was an honor to be in the same company of people that protect our country.
The different types of technology and science were very interesting. It was amazing to witness the different aspects of computer technology and the use of biometrics to find a criminal. Technology is shaping our world, and understanding its use for a better tomorrow was interesting.
I am not a fan of the ocean. However, learning about boats and what makes them float above water through the principle of buoyancy was impressive. The Academy’s history is like no other school history, and the buildings are extraordinary. I will recommend my fellow classmates to take this opportunity if granted to them to visit the Naval Academy through the STEM program. It was very rewarding and I will treasure this experience. Thank you for protecting our country, and giving this experience to St. Benedict’s students.
Deontrae M.
Telmo D. - Thank you for the opportunity

I had an exciting time at the YP Boat. The boat's captain was welcoming and I felt engaged. He gave us a great tour of the boat and it looked like a submarine from what I have seen. The light class was the most interesting to me. The glasses that broke the spectrum of light were really interesting.
My midshipman that was my guide through the night was great. He was a plebe and he really gave me an insight of how it is to be a plebe at the US Naval Academy. His name is Christopher M. of 10th Company. Again, he was great.
Hopefully more people interested in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics can be able to enjoy this kind of event. Our nation needs more professionals in these fields and camps like this can really open our eyes to these careers. I'd like to extend my thanks to Lt. Christian, Prof. Moran, MIDN Maldonado and Mr. Scanlan and Dr. Lansang. I loved the Mini-STEM Program.
Calvin J. - At the USNA-STEM Program
I enjoyed my weekend at the Naval Academy . I enjoyed my classes, my midshipman, H. I enjoyed the ride on the YP boat, and I enjoyed the tour as well. I think the most interesting demonstration I experienced was the biometrics. I honestly didn’t know that your iris has more of your identity than your fingerprints. They tell us our mood, age, sex, etc.
I really enjoyed my time with midshipman H. We talked a lot about a lot of stuff like sports, girls, home, the Naval Academy . Learning about midshipman H.’s home in Vermont and his high school years and his friends were really cool too, and very funny. When I rode on the YP boat, I was excited because I liked riding on boats. I was very nervous when I was steering the boat though.
I also enjoyed the tour we took because we were able to see the entire campus. What I liked the most was the buildings and how they looked medieval.
Thank you to all the teachers that took time off their busy schedule in order to teach us. Thank you to the YP boat commander for allowing us to tour the boat and allowing us to steer it. Thank you to our tour guide for showing us the campus. And last, but not least, thank you to midshipman H. for being one really cool guy and taking me around the Naval Academy and making me feel as close to home as possible. Thank you!
Eric E. - My STEM Experience at the USNA
Thank you for providing me with the opportunity of attending the STEM program at your facility. I enjoyed my stay there; it was an unforgettable and educational experience. Thank you for letting us take a cruise on the YP boat; it was a thrilling and rare opportunity. I won’t ever forget that experience; the memory of my stay at the Academy will remain in my thoughts forever.
The classes were phenomenal. I won’t ever forget anything I learned in those two days. The knowledge I obtained in those two days will surely prove beneficial to me in the future. I thank you for giving my education a boost, and helping me have a better understanding of what it truly means to be an engineer. After that experience, my interest in engineering had flourished. Before, I thought engineering was just a boring profession that required you to sit in a desk all day, but now I possess a clearer understanding of engineering. The hands-on experiences along with the world-class labs made learning much more interesting.
Not many students get to experience what I experienced that weekend. This bond that my school shares with the Naval Academy has truly been a blessing. I’m now considering to attend the Naval Academy ; my experience there has vastly improved my interest. I hope that bond continues for years to come and that other students get to experience what I saw at the Academy. Thank you for providing me with such a unique experience.
Christian G. - Thanks for the USNA Experience
I had a very nice time during my two day stay at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis , MD. One of the moments I enjoyed the most was when we used diffraction glasses to separate the lights into ways. When I arrived back in Newark , I put the glasses back on and tried to find as many lights to look at as possible. Another moment I enjoyed while taking classes at the Naval Academy was when we used sheets of aluminum to make boats that could withstand lots of weight without sinking.
By far the best experience I had while at the Academy was when we were able to steer the YP boat. While on this boat I learned that it requires more than one person to drive a ship. Also, I was able to see a demonstration of “man overboard.”
The tour of the Yard and the buildings at the Naval Academy was an enjoyable experience, too. The classroom buildings were so nice, and there was just so many of them. However, the building that impressed me the most was Bancroft Hall. To me, Bancroft Hall looked like the Empire State Building laying down. The indoor track building was also one of my favorite buildings because I had never seen a track with a football field that could be rolled out over it.
As a result of my experience at the Naval Academy , I look forward to attending this school in the future. I would like to say thank you for giving me this memorable experience at the US Naval Academy.
Daniel L. - My STEM Program Experience
The time I spent at the Naval Academy was over way too soon. My presumptions about the Naval Academy were proven wrong minutes after we arrived. What seemed like a long morning, waking up at 5:30 am, rushing to school late, and getting on the bus while it was still dark outside, turned into one of the most exciting overnight trips of my life. The other was Freshman orientation at Saint Bendict’s Prep . I can honestly say that I have never had this much fun on a school day.
When we arrived, I was in awe of the hospitality that greeted us. When the lieutenant presented us with gifts, I was a little skeptical. It seemed odd to me that a college like The Naval Academy would give away such exclusive looking sweat suits and bags to students who were already benefiting from the experience. I immediately jumped to the conclusion that we would have to participate in some sort of P.T. Luckily, this was not the case.
The classes that we went into we fun and interesting, I had no idea that technology like those we were exposed to on the trip had ever existed. The hands on experience had me wishing for more time within every class we were presented with. I could instantly tell that these class were consolidated because it we were having too much fun already.

I cannot express everything that I gained out of this Mini-Stem program, and I can barely express my gratitude for the opportunity. What I can do is say thank to the Naval Academy, and all those who made this trip possible.
Kevin R. - My experience at the US Naval Academy
During my stay at the U.S Naval Academy, I found that it was a great experience for me to have a chance to see because it changed my whole perspective of the university and also the United States itself. Coming from a West Indies background, I thought that the university was all about going to college and working in military work then going to war and fight for no particular reason. But having the experience of going the Academy, my whole outlook of it has changed enormously in learning the history of both the U.S and the Naval Academy.
At my visit there, we as class learned the basis of engineering and also the work of computerizing physics. One fantastic lesson I learned at the academy was the making of virtual programming. The method of the programming was pretty awesome to discover and have the chance to experience. This program changed my perspective of engineering especially in computer work; I never thought that 3-Dimensional product could be made at a simple task just at your home computer.
Lastly, I would like to point out the great atmosphere that the school provides in their daily performance, which I got a chance to see at the football game. The school spirit there was so up lifting, even with a loss at the game, their spirits and hearts were pumped with enthusiasm making me feel like this was the place for me. I would like to thank the Naval Academy for inviting us to your home and showing nice hospitality and friendship.
At my visit there, we as class learned the basis of engineering and also the work of computerizing physics. One fantastic lesson I learned at the academy was the making of virtual programming. The method of the programming was pretty awesome to discover and have the chance to experience. This program changed my perspective of engineering especially in computer work; I never thought that 3-Dimensional product could be made at a simple task just at your home computer.
Lastly, I would like to point out the great atmosphere that the school provides in their daily performance, which I got a chance to see at the football game. The school spirit there was so up lifting, even with a loss at the game, their spirits and hearts were pumped with enthusiasm making me feel like this was the place for me. I would like to thank the Naval Academy for inviting us to your home and showing nice hospitality and friendship.
Paul C. - My Naval Academy Experience
My experience at the STEM program at the US Naval Academy is one to remember and always treasure. The morning of the trip, I was very excited to see what the STEM program had to offer. I woke up at 5 am, which on a regular day would be an impossible task. Although I knew I would be stuck on a bus for four hours, I was still looking forward to seeing how the Naval Academy would differ from my assumptions about the place. My expectations were high and I doubted I would be disappointed.
I arrived at the Academy by noon and immediately felt welcome by the gifts I received. My group headed to lunch, and then we were off to class. I was ready to see what the Naval Academy could teach me on the short visit. I was introduced to biometrics, which to my surprise included fingerprinting, eye scanners and voice detection. These devices were things I would never have expected to see, other than in movies. They explained to us how it was used in the real world compared to what was portrayed in Hollywood . Another great class was the 3-D object programming. In this class, I learned how to make fictional characters on the computer and make them active; I was pleased and I felt like a game designer. These were only two of the great experiences I had at the Naval Academy . The Naval Academy started to seem like home.
The next thing to do was go on the Navy YP boat, which was in my opinion the most unforgettable experience. I learned what the YP boat was and even how to maneuver the ship. I took countless pictures which I got to show my family and friends when I got home. I felt I was actually part of the Navy for a while. After the boat ride, we were assigned a midshipman to take us around and give us a tour of the campus. I enjoyed the history I was being taught by the midshipman. Later that night, I had the privilege to go to the football game between Navy and Army. Unfortunately, Navy lost but it was still and intense game where the whole school seemed to be moved by the very last play.
I can honestly say that my stay at the Naval Academy did not just reach my expectation but went beyond what I could ever have imagined.
Jongwan K. - My time at the STEM Program
The Naval trip was a wonderful experience. I have learned a lot about science and technology on the first day and all of it was exciting. My favorite part of the science and technology lessons was biometrics. I found it very interesting how the iris recognition worked and how anyone could be tracked down using a fingerprint. Another fun experience was getting on the YP boat. I have learned that a large group of people can live on that boat for a really long while. To be able to control a ship like that would be a very important job and many lives would depend on it.
My midshipman was very nice to me. He helped me learn how things went around the academy and told me enough about himself. He told me he is fromMemphis . Funny, he also went to a St. Benedict at Auburndale. They have a nice dorm room. Each person has their own computer and bed. I met his dorm mates and they too were nice. They all gather at a place they call King Hall where they eat by company. It is really nice. The football game was also nice entertainment, they lost the game but I enjoyed it even though the weather was very cold.
My midshipman was very nice to me. He helped me learn how things went around the academy and told me enough about himself. He told me he is from
The last thing we had was a tour around their campus, there were many buildings and many people from the outside. Of all the buildings the dorm or Bancroft Hall impressed me. I was told it was the biggest dormitory ever and they weren’t kidding. It was huge and it seemed that almost every hall looked identical to the other. The other interesting building would be their Field Houses. Their pools were very big, and the same goes for their wrestling room and the indoor track.
This trip is something I will never forget. Thanks, Naval Academy.
Owen M. - At the USNA STEM Program
I had a very interesting time at the Naval Academy . This visit opened my eyes to many possibilities in my future. Waking up at 5:30 to travel all the way to Annapolis was worth it, and arriving early allowed us to enjoy the scenery around the Annapolis area.
When we arrived at the Naval Academy , we attended several classes: 3-D object programming, biometrics, naval architecture, and diffraction of light. My favorite of these classes was biometrics because we got to see how we as a country have advanced in technology. The scientists and professors were able to create computer programs that could recognize emotions, voices, and fingerprints. After the classes, we went on a tour of the YP boats.
The YP boats were very big and the crewmen showed us where the midshipmen ate and slept whenever they were on board. The beds didn’t look very comfortable but the people had to manage. After a ride on the river on the YP boat, we met with our assigned midshipmen. My midshipman’s name was Anthony B. and he gave me a short tour of his dorm hall and his room. We proceeded to dinner and then went to the Sprint Football game. The game was good even though we lost; the weather was pretty cold. My midshipman gave me a lot of insight on how he applied to the Naval Academy and how his family was already involved in the Navy.
The tour of the school was great; the building that impressed me the most was the field house, seeing how it had one of the biggest indoor tracks in the world, and it looked pretty cool. Overall, the trip was wonderful, especially when we were given a tour of the Yard and the campus. This visit opened my eyes to new and different opportunities.
Isaac T.-R.: At the STEM Program, USNA
The opportunity to go to the US Naval Academy was an enlightening experience. I learned that I was interested in Biometrics. Biometrics is the use of body parts or behavior to identify a person. I found it astounding that machines could use living components of a person and turn the information into useful tools in security and for police work. I didn’t know that this type of engineering was applied in everyday life.
The experience on the YP boat was thrilling. It showed me how the life of a midshipman was like, and also gave me some insight into whether I would like to do it myself. I saw their sleeping, cooking, and steering areas, which were very clean. I also got to drive the boat. That was fun. I didn’t know that you could drive a boat without looking up.
The time I spent with my midshipman was well spent. I met a lot of people in that company and I saw how they had become a family or unit for each other. It reminds me of St. Benedict’s Prep in a way. Intelligence, talent, and religion everywhere you look! It was a trip that I will remember for a very long time.
Ahmad B. - My Visit to the Naval Academy
The STEM Program was very enjoyable and I had an exciting time while I was there. I liked all the the science and technology demonstrations that were shown. The one I enjoyed the most was the biometrics, with the fingerprints and iris recognition. I thought it was very incredible how your mind could do so much on the computer. I was surprised about how much the computer can tell about the way you feel just by scanning your eyes.
The ride on the YP boat was very amazing. I’ve been on a boat like that before, but I had never steered it till that day that I visited the Naval Academy . My midshipman, Sam, was a very caring person. He showed me all around, and offered me a lot of things and advice, and took me under his wing for my stay. I was glad to have him as a midshipman for me. I watch Navy play on television all the time, but I never guessed that I would be at one of the games live. The game went toe to toe; sad to see Navy lose, though it was a great game.
My midshipman treated me very well; I enjoyed his company as well as his roommates. I didn’t think the trip would be so much fun, and I learned at the same time. I appreciated my trip to the Naval Academy . It was a great experience. I would like to thank the Naval Academy for showing me and my fellow classmates a great time. I enjoyed my stay, and I hoped you enjoyed us. Thanks!
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